No Time to Procrastinate
January 1, 2022, 8:00 PM

Any true student of Gods word and follower of Jesus knows that His return is very near.  We don’t have much time to waste on contemplating whether or not we’re going to get off our couches and out of our lazy boy recliners and go into the master’s  field and gather the harvest of souls before it’s too late.  The church has fallen short of Gods plan to evangelize the world and that is in direct correlation to the fact that the two spirits of lukewarmness and lethargy have joined or churches.  We need a good dose of that spiritual medicine, the Holy Spirit, that will get us spiritually active to accomplish what the church has forgotten that we must be doing, Evangelism, witnessing, praying, and soul winning.  Where there is no seed sown there can be no harvest.  We must put the gift God has endowed every child of God with to usury so there will be interest or growth to present to Christ when He returns for those who are His.  I want so much to hear the master say as He looks into my face, “Well done good and faithful servant” as I stand before Him at that last day judgment.  What about you. We must regroup and throw off the social gospel being used today because gimmicks-prizes-and sports leagues or any such worldly efforts won’t win the lost to Jesus, maybe to your church, but not to the forgiveness of sins.  We need to go out with the seed (the Word of God) and lift up the name of Jesus and if that doesn’t work nothing else will.  I know that this may seem harsh but that is because the church has forgotten what true spiritual evangelism truly is, we must return to the basic simplicity of the gospel “Jesus Saves”.  There is no other way to the Father but by and through the cross and blood of Jesus.  GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD but start in your own neighborhood. 

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