He’s Coming!
October 22, 2021, 3:59 AM

How many times have we heard a preacher or someone say,”the Lord’s coming soon”?  I imagine that it has been so many times that a lot of people seem immune to its truth but yet it is the accurate unadulterated truth that we need to be sharing with everyone.  One person said that the signs are not for the church because since the days of Paul they’ve been expecting Him and nothing needs to happen that would hinder His appearing. I agree, the signs are for those especially the Jewish nation, that haven’t accepted Jesus as Savior and it is warning them that tribulation is going to soon be here so be prepared it’s going to be terrible.  But for the child of God there should be an excitement in the air, an electricity, that reverberates to our innermost being and says to us “It could happen any minute” praise God!  The Church needs to be abuzz with expectancy so much so that people should be leaving the services and searching for some lost soul to share it with.  So come on Church!  Get excited today, turn that frown upside down it won’t be long and oh what glorious sights we’ll see, what joy we will experience, and after you’ve been in heaven for hundreds or thousands of years and you think you have seen or experienced it all and it can’t get any better it’ll start all over again.  God Bless you all and don’t lose hope I hope to see YOU in the rapture. I Thessalonians 4:18.